Xcode IDE
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Xcode History
苹果的开发团队决定开发一款自己的集成开发环境(IDE),旨在更好地支持苹果的开发工作流程。于是,在1997年,苹果成立了一个名为Project Builder的团队,该团队的任务是开发一款全新的IDE。
Project Builder最初基于NeXTSTEP操作系统的工具,但随着苹果收购NeXT,它也开始使用Mac OS X技术。2003年,苹果发布了Xcode 1.0版本,这是一款全新的IDE,它汇集了Project Builder和一些其他开发工具的功能。随着时间的推移,Xcode的版本不断更新和改进,逐渐成为苹果开发的标准工具。
IDE Tutorials
Collaboration with Individual Teams
Make sure you
How to share an Individual Apple iOS Developer Account
There should be at least 2 files you need to import in Keychain: - development certificate - distribution certificate Also, not sure, but it might help: - the original self-signed certificate you submitted to apple (the CSR)
The certificates need to be generated from the computer that originally signed the CSR and imported in the second computer’s keychain. Also, be sure to import the certificates in the login keychain.
ps. close XCode before importing the certificates - or close/restart after importing.
Certificate Signing Request for Mac
Create a certificate signing request
- Launch Keychain Access located in /Applications/Utilities.
- Choose Keychain Access > Certificate Assistant > Request a Certificate from a Certificate Authority.
- In the Certificate Assistant dialog, enter an email address in the User Email Address field.
- In the Common Name field, enter a name for the key (for example, Gita Kumar Dev Key).
- Leave the CA Email Address field empty.
- Choose “Saved to disk,” then click Continue.
certificates at developer.apple.com, sign the certificate request, then download the certificate. You can then import the certificate into your keychain.
relevant link
UDID on iPhone
Finding the UDID using Mac:
- Connect your device to a Mac device using a USB cable and tap on your device name in the sidebar menu. Next, simply click on the tab under the device name.
- Now, you will see the UDID of your iOS device (it will also display other information like the serial number, etc.). Right click on this info and copy the UDID.
Provisioning File
Apple Developer 憑證與Provisioning Profile更新
Apple開發者帳號登入之後,選擇Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles設定會看到”Certificates”,”Identifiers“,”Devices“,”Profiles“,”Keys“的側邊欄
Certificates:憑證管理,主要是推播憑證(Apple Push Services)、開發者的mac電腦的憑證(Development)和這個開發者帳號的發佈憑證(iOS Distribution)
Identifiers:App的Bundle id ,自己創的或是同帳號在XCode同步創建的App id都會列在此表列出
Devices:App測試和Ad Hoc分發配置可以在此添加該測試機的UUID
Profiles:配置文件,就是有關於使用這個Provisioning Profile的app被合法准許的使用期間、創建的團隊、簽署的開發憑證有效期到何時等等的資訊一併打包進這個檔案裡
git problem
project.pbxproj 檔的內容決定專案 Project navigator 顯示的檔案清單和順序,因此這也解釋了為何多人合作時它容易產生衝突。因為每個人會新增刪除檔案,有時還會調整檔案的順序,於是 git 就不知該如何合併,它不知該保留刪除哪個檔案,哪個檔案要在前面,哪個要在後面。
但是由於每個人都認真地寫著 App,新增了很多檔案,因此 project.pbxproj 往往會有很多衝突,一個個解決十分辛苦。
其實 project.pbxproj 大部份的衝突解法都是同時保留本機端和遠端的檔案,畢竟你不想刪除自己辛苦寫的程式,也不敢刪除隊友辛苦寫的程式,所以我們可以透過 .gitattributes 檔,告訴 git 在 project.pbxproj 遇到衝突時,同時保留本機端和遠端的修改,如此即可解決 project.pbxproj 大部分的衝突。
git ingore 忽略UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate xcschememanagement.plist
项目开发中,经常遇见 xcuserstate 隔几秒就会变化的问题,由于这个文件包存放的数据并不重要,只是一些GUI状态,比如窗口位置,打开的标签页,在项目检查等展开的节点、 简单地调整大小的Xcode窗口将这个文件来改变和修改您的源代码控制系统进行标记。
git rm -r --cached .
git add .
git commit -m "Remove ignored files"
# Finder
# Xcode - User files
# Finder
# Xcode - User files
# For Swift Package Manager, Package.resolved file
第一行指示Git忽略所有名为.DS_Store的文件。.DS_Store是MacOS Finder文件夹的元数据文件,通常不需要跟踪或提交到Git仓库中。
Mark Tricks
TODO: Mark a task that needs to be done, using the format: // TODO:
FIXME: Mark a bug that needs to be fixed, using the format: // FIXME:
!!!: Mark a section that needs to be reviewed, using the format: // !!!:
???: Mark a section that needs to be clarified, using the format: // ???:
MARK: Mark a section of code, using the format: // MARK:
TODO: 标示处有功能代码待编写,使用方法:// TODO:
FIXME: 标示处代码需要修正,使用方法:// FIXME:
!!!: 标示处代码需要注意,使用方法:// !!!:
???: 标示处代码有疑问,使用方法:// ???:
MARK: 标记,和#pragma mark效果相同,使用方法:// MARK:
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark TODO: 标示处有功能代码待编写
#pragma mark FIXME: 标示处代码需要修正
#pragma mark !!!: 标示处代码需要注意
#pragma mark ???: 标示处代码有疑问
#pragma mark MARK: 标记,和#pragma mark效果相同
///MARK:标记,和#pragma mark效果相同
//FIXME: Remove all references to jiltedExLover
Code Snippet
Building Phase - Generating Warnings and Errors with Comments
find "${SRCROOT}" \( -name "*.h" -or -name "*.m" -or -name "*.swift" \) -print0 | xargs -0 egrep --with-filename --line-number --only-matching "($TAGS).*\$|($ERRORTAG).*\$" | perl -p -e "s/($TAGS)/ warning: \$1/" | perl -p -e "s/($ERRORTAG)/ error: \$1/"
# Full type: Including Mark, ???, !!!
find "${SRCROOT}" \( -name "*.h" -or -name "*.m" -or -name "*.swift" \) -print0 | xargs -0 egrep --with-filename --line-number --only-matching "($TAGS).*\$|($ERRORTAG).*\$" | perl -p -e "s/($TAGS)/ warning: \$1/" | perl -p -e "s/($ERRORTAG)/ error: \$1/"
Explanation of Bourne shell Script
This script is used for searching and highlighting specific tags and errors in source code files during build time. The script uses the find command to locate files with extensions .h, .m, and .swift in the SRCROOT directory. The egrep command is used to search for lines that match the regular expressions specified in TAGS and ERRORTAG.
If any line matches the tags or errors, it is displayed as a warning or error message using the perl command. The warning or error message is then displayed with the file name, line number, and the actual line containing the tag or error.
Now maybe you’re thinking, what’s the point? Don’t I still have to dig through the program, going file by file, clicking the dropdown menu, trying to find that TODO tag? What if the project has dozens of files? Won’t my TODO and FIXME tags get lost in the mess and forgotten? If only there was a way to get Xcode to give you a warning if a TODO tag is left unanswered!
Click on the little plus sign at the trop right and select Run New Script Phase. The idea here is that you’re adding another step to the build process when Xcode builds your project. If you unwrap the arrow for the run script item, you’ll see a black box that will hold script that Xcode will run on every build.
Now build your program. If you have any //TODO: or //FIXME: tags, Xcode will throw you a warning. If you write in an //ERROR: tag, Xcode will throw you an error and not run. (Note: you may have to move your script up in the build order.)
Employ this little trick, and never leave another item on your TODO list undone!
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark - TableViewDelegate
Xcode中那些让人焕然一新的特殊注释#pragma mark、TODO、FIXME、MARK
从技术角度讲,以 #pragma 开头的代码是一条编译器指令,一个特定于程序或编译器的指令。它们不一定适用于其它编译器或其它环境。如果编译器不能识别该指令,则会将其忽略。
From a technical point of view, the code starting with #pragma is a compiler directive, a specific directive for the program or compiler. They may not be applicable to other compilers or other environments. If the compiler cannot recognize the directive, it will be ignored.
Its purpose is to tell the Xcode compiler to separate the code in the editor window top method and function pop-up menu, as shown in the following figure:
Xcode Doc
Old Version
- 第一项
- 第二项
+ 第三项
* 第四项
1. 第一项
2. 第二项
3. 第三项
`` `
let a = 1
let name = "注释"
`` `
func SomeFunc(name: String) -> String {
return "文档注释"
摘要和说明 文档注释的开头部分将成为 “摘要“ Summary,余下的其他内容将一起归入 “讨论” Discussion。
Xcode tip #14: One of my most commonly used Xcode shortcuts is Cmd+/ to toggle comments for the current line or selection, but another useful one is Option+Cmd+/ – press that directly before a method to have Xcode generate a documentation comment, including its parameters.
Structure of documentation pages
CLI Build Cocoapods
xcodebuild -workspace TestDocc.xcworkspace -parallelizeTargets docbuild
2023-05-20 23:00:32.671 xcodebuild[50700:2620221] Writing error result bundle to /var/folders/81/srpknvzx31nctp39xxlvx_200000gn/T/ResultBundle_2023-20-05_23-00-0032.xcresult
2023-05-20 23:00:32.694 xcodebuild[50700:2620221] Requested but did not find extension point with identifier Xcode.IDEFoundation.IDEResultKitSerializationConverter
xcodebuild: error: If you specify a workspace then you must also specify a scheme. Use -list to see the schemes in this workspace.
这个错误的原因是你在使用 xcodebuild 命令构建一个 Xcode workspace,但没有指定一个 scheme。每个 Xcode workspace 都可能有多个 scheme,每个 scheme 定义了如何构建一个或多个 target。
你可以使用 -list 参数查看 workspace 中的所有 scheme:
xcodebuild -workspace TestDocc.xcworkspace -list
这会列出所有的 scheme。然后你可以选择一个 scheme,将其添加到你的 xcodebuild 命令中,如下所示:
xcodebuild -workspace TestDocc.xcworkspace -scheme YourSchemeName docbuild
其中,YourSchemeName 是你从 -list 输出中选择的 scheme 名称。这样 xcodebuild 就知道你想要构建哪个 scheme,以及如何构建它了。
DocC Deploy on GitHub
DocC for Cocoapods
Host and Automate your DocC documentation
The docbuild command builds documentation as we might expect from the name, and we need the -parallelizeTargets flag to build modular workspaces.
We’ve selected the -project flag rather than the -workspace flag for our project with the associated -scheme, however, you may need to change this on a case-by-case basis, for example with CocoaPods projects.
DocC will generate documentation for all the Swift frameworks and libraries that are part of the scheme—either directly or as a dependency of another target—that you are building, including external dependencies for which you have the source code (such as SwiftPM checkouts or CocoaPods). Please submit feedback with a description of your use case on the Feedback Assistant website.
DocC for Objc
DocC for Objective-C static library
Code Snippet
Xcode CLI
xcodebuild -project TestingProject.xcodeproj -derivedDataPath ../../docsData -scheme TestingProject -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 14 Pro'
DISAMBIGUATOR for Downloadable Project
// See the LICENSE.txt file for this sample’s licensing information.
// SampleCode.xcconfig
// The `SAMPLE_CODE_DISAMBIGUATOR` configuration is to make it easier to build
// and run a sample code project. Once you set your project's development team,
// you'll have a unique bundle identifier. This is because the bundle identifier
// is derived based on the 'SAMPLE_CODE_DISAMBIGUATOR' value. Do not use this
// approach in your own projects—it's only useful for sample code projects because
// they are frequently downloaded and don't have a development team set.
Xcode 14.3 Bug for Pod
post_install do |installer|
installer.generated_projects.each do |project|
project.targets.each do |target|
target.build_configurations.each do |config|
config.build_settings['IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = '11.0'
Swift Package Manager through Proxy
ClashX Pro 开增强已解决!(这个免费)
Download ClashX Pro With enhanced mode and Native Apple Silicon support at AppCenter for free permanently.
libgit2 for Xcode 【已失效】Xcode GUI 添加 SPM 依赖的时候访问不了 github,无视 git config proxy 配置解决方案
此 openradar 中提出者指出了原因:Xcode 调用 libgit2 时传入了 GIT_PROXY_NONE,无视了 git config 中的 proxy 配置。作者说用了自己打的 libgit2 包可以解决问题,但没说具体怎么操作。
看了一下 libgit2 里的声明:
* Do not attempt to connect through a proxy
* If built against libcurl, it itself may attempt to connect
* to a proxy if the environment variables specify it.
里面说如果构建时使用了 curl (一般都会使用 curl?)会遵循 curl 的配置,于是在 ~/.curlrc 中加入一行(具体 proxy 依你自己的配置来指定):
proxy = socks5://
验证了一下,Xcode 可以正常使用 proxy 添加 SPM 依赖了。更新:似乎不好使
注: 上面是为了解决在 Xcode GUI 中添加新的 SPM 依赖时遇到的问题,由于 Xcode 的项目不支持 Package.swift,目前只能使用 GUI 来添加。也可以使用旁路由来解决,Xcode 所在的机器只需要设置网关为旁路由的网关即可,旁路由上跑 proxy。
如果项目之前已经添加过 SPM 了,解析时卡住的话可以用命令行操作,具体可参见 stackoverflow
export all_proxy=<your_proxy>:<your_port>
xcodebuild -resolvePackageDependencies -scmProvider system
export https_proxy= http_proxy= all_proxy=socks5://
# 如果是project 使用以下命令
xcodebuild -resolvePackageDependencies -scmProvider system -project YOURPROJECT.xcodeproj
# 如果是workspace 需要指定scheme,或者使用-list
xcodebuild -resolvePackageDependencies -scmProvider system -list -workspace HackrNewsApp.xcworkspace
经过查询Xcode的使用的自带 git
程序为 com.apple.dt.Xcode.sourcecontrol.Git
,在 Xcode 里面的 SPM 下载 github 时候可以到控制台查看具体程序ps aux|grep com.apple.dt.Xcode
# 前提: 你有一个代理
# 因为直接打开Xcode是不会走代理的。
# 以你需要现退出Xcode,然后在命令行里输入
open -a Xcode.app
# 保险起见你还可以在这之前加一句
Local SPM
Getting ’no such module’ error when importing a Swift Package Manager dependency
编译架构和 Apple Silicon
Xcode 中使用 SPM 和 Build Configuration 的一些坑
在模拟器上排除 arm64 导致的问题
在 Apple Silicon 的时代,默认情况下 Xcode 会使用 arm64 架构运行。这时候,自带的 iOS 模拟器也会跑在 arm64 下。如果你在项目里使用了一些老旧的以二进制发布的库,比如 fat binary 做的 framework,或者是不包含模拟器 arm64 的 .a 的文件,那么很可能在 Apple Silicon 的 mac 上,以模拟器为目标进行链接时,看到类似这样的错误:
building for iOS Simulator, but linking in object file built for iOS, for architecture arm64
这是因为虽然库中包含了 arm64,但是其中标明了它是用在实际设备而非模拟器上的。网络上常见的办法,会教你在 EXCLUDED_ARCHS 里为 simulator 添加 arm64,用来把这个架构排除出去。
EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*] = arm64
这是一个治标不治本的“快速疗法”,加入这个设定可以让你编译通过并运行,但是你需要清楚了解到这么做的弊端:因为 arm64 被排除了,所以在 iOS 模拟器上,只有 x86_64 这一个架构选择。这意味着你的整个 app 都会以 x86_64 进行编译,然后跑在 x86_64 的模拟器上。而在 Apple Silicon 的 mac 上,这个模拟器其实是使用 Rosetta 2 跑起来的,这意味着性能的大幅下降。
对于 .debug,ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH 为 true,编译目标为 arm64 的 iOS 模拟器,因此 SPM 只会给出 arm64-apple-ios-simulator 版本的编译结果。但是项目本身设定了 EXCLUDED_ARCHS arm64,它在链接包时,需要的其实是 x86_64 模拟器版本的包。砰!
对于老旧二进制的依赖,最正确的做法是催促维护者赶快适配 xcframework。另一种可行的方案,是 hack 一下二进制,修改 arm64 slice 的目标字段,“欺骗” Xcode 让它认为这个二进制的 arm64 就是为模拟器编译的。这种方法在这里有详细解释,作者也发布了相关的 arm64-to-sim 工具,如有需要,可以暂时酌情使用。
利用 config.build_settings["EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]"] = "arm64"
排除 arm64 的模拟器,以让老代码能够在 x86_64 的环境下编译运行,最终以 Rosetta 的形式在 M-Chip 的 Mac 上运行。
post_install do |installer|
installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
target.build_configurations.each do |config|
config.build_settings["EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]"] = "arm64"
arm64 / x86-64 和 intel/amd
伴随着9月上旬iOS16的推送,作为开发者的一员,紧随其后升级了Xcode到14.0。相比Xcode13,Xcode14打包的处理器架构Architectures默认支持的已经只有 arm64 。这样在也就意味着通过Xcode14构建的产物,已经不能在iPhone5/iPhone5C上使用。这个改变引发了内心中的如下几个疑问:
- arm64 含义是什么?
- 处理器架构 含义是什么?
- Intel和AMD 有什么区别?
1 arm64 含义是什么?
等。一个iPhone生产时,已经选定了特定的CPU,也就只能运行对应的指令集应用。arm处理器的指令集,都是向下兼容的。例如armv7指令集兼容armv6,只是使用armv6的时候无法发挥出其性能,无法使用armv7的新特性,从而会导致程序执行效率没那么高。2 处理器架构 含义是什么?
指令集 | 架构 | 使用场景 |
RISC | arm | 移动设备 |
RISC | RISC-V | 家用电器、传感器、工业控制中心、LOT设备 |
RISC | MIPS | 电子产品、网络设备、个人娱乐装置 |
CISC | x86 | PC、服务器、AI等 |
其中RISC-V是基于BSD协议许可的免费开放指令集架构,相比ARM和x86都有一定的优势,已经有人把它成功应用在手机上RISC-V Android10。在越来越重视自主可控的大环境下,可能基于该架构的CPU会被更多的商家所采用。
3 Intel和AMD 有什么区别?
追根溯源,Intel和AMD 创建者都来源于同一家公司,二者的相互竞争,演绎精彩商业斗争的同时,也促进了处理器的不断更新换代,不断按照摩尔定律的语言飞速演进[2]。
App icon in Xcode
Regex with Xcode Find & Replace
firstNameTextField.placeholder = NSLocalizedString("person.firstName.placeholder", comment: "")
lastNameTextField.placeholder = NSLocalizedString("person.lastName.placeholder", comment: "")
ageTextField.placeholder = NSLocalizedString("person.lastName.placeholder", comment: "")
firstNameTextField.placeholder = NSLocalizedString\((".*"), comment: ""\)
Xcode Storage
看到你有 Xcode 。那么推荐你先试试八爷开发的 Cleaner For Xcode 。另外,一般的清理也可以使用 Disk Drill 以及 Cleaner One Pro ,这两个的免费版就足够使用了。
.xip file
A XIP file is analogous to zip file, but allows for a digital signature to be embedded and be verified on the receiving system, before the archive is expanded.
Xcode Copy if needed
“Failed to prepare device for development.”
- Check /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/ for directory name 15.4 (your iOS version).
- If the directory is missing download support files for 15.4 (your iOS version) from https://github.com/filsv/iPhoneOSDeviceSupport and place it in the above path.
- Restart Xcode.
Zhiying’s iOS Star
iOS 项目国际化 Localization
随着 Apple 对多语言用户使用体验的不断提升,从 iOS13 开始用户可以在应用设置中单独设置区别于系统的语言,同时对于开发者来说,对于多语言的适配体验也在不断的得到提升,本文将逐步说明如何对 iOS 项目做国际化支持。
NSLocalizedString 多语言本地化 - SwiftCafe 享受代码的乐趣
iOS 多语言的标准库,看看有多少你还不了解的。
Adding Translations to iPhone Apps in SwiftUI (Tutorial)
只有 infoplist 文件
Button("Log in") { // localizable string
// perform login
Button {
// perform login
} label: {
Text("Log in", comment: "A button to perform login")
Button("Change Language") {
if let url = URL(string: UIApplication.openSettingsURLString) {
Private API Call
Swift Package Manager
In Xcode, navigate to Build Settings > Build Options > Excluded Source File Names. For your Release configuration, set it to FLEX* like this to exclude all files with the FLEX prefix:
私有 api:
some View
._clockHandRotationEffect(.hourHand, in: TimeZone, anchor: .center)
Xcode Build Scheme
iOS Device Model
iPhone/iPad苹果设备型号对应常用名称列表(2022更新至iPhone 14 Pro Max | iPad Air 5 | iPad10 | iPad Pro 12.9-inch 6)
iPhone 10,3 iPhone X
Debug Technique
Xcode LLDB po
How to print out a property’s contents using Xcode debugger?
Attach Device
3.xcode左上角工具栏选择Debug --> Attach to Process by PID or Name
在对话框表中,输入通过 需要调试的app进程名字即productname
此时我们可以用到Debug-->Attach to Process,具体操作如下:
3.xcode左上角工具栏选择Debug --> Attach to Process
等待getting process list完成之后在列表中选择app对应的进程名
Xcode shortcut
Jump to Definition (⌃ + ⌘ + J or ⌃ + ⌘ + Click)
Find Selected Symbol in Workspace (⇧ + ⌃ + ⌘ + F)
Find Selected Symbol in Workspace (⇧ + ⌃ + ⌘ + F)
This is essentially the opposite of Jump to definition, and it’s particularly helpful trying to understand how an API is used in the codebase. It also gives you an feeling for how much grief you’re going to cause your teammates (or other API consumers) when refactoring an API…!
Find Call Hierarchy (⇧ + ⌃ + ⌘ + H)
Similar to Find selected symbol in workspace, but with a focus on methods, this shortcut will open the Call Hierarchy view to show any places in your code that call the specified method, as well as any methods that call those methods in turn, and so on.
Toggle Views
Xcode has three main areas surrounding the code editor, which can be toggled to make more space for editing (or showing context information, just as required): Left: Navigator (⌘ + 0) Right: Inspectors (⌘ + ⌥ + 0) * Bottom: Debug (⇧ + ⌘ + Y)
Area | Command | Shortcut |
Editor | Code completion | ⌃ + Space |
Editor | Move line up | ⌥ + ⌘ + [ |
Editor | Move line down | ⌥ + ⌘ + ] |
Editor | Delete entire line (*) | ⌘ + D |
Editor | Comment line / selection | ⌘ + / |
Editor | Balance indent | ⌃ + I |
Navigation | Go back | ⌃ + ⌘ + ← |
Navigation | Go forward | ⌃ + ⌘ + → |
Navigation | Jump to definition | ⌃ + ⌘ + J |
Navigation | Find selected symbol in workspace | ⇧ + ⌃ + ⌘ + F |
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The iOS Simulator deployment target ‘IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET’ is set to 10.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 11.0 to 16.4.99.
该问题意味着你的项目或某些依赖项(在你的案例中是 Pods)设置的 iOS Deployment Target 版本(部署目标版本)过低,而 Xcode 支持的最低版本比这个设置高。在你的情况中,某个 Pod 的 Deployment Target 设置为了 10.0,而你当前的 Xcode 支持的最低 iOS Deployment Target 版本是 11.0。
要解决此问题,你需要将低于 Xcode 支持的最低 iOS 版本的 Deployment Target 提升到至少 11.0。以下是操作步骤:
打开你的 Xcode 项目或工作区。
如果问题在 Pods 中出现,打开 Pods 项目,找到那个 Deployment Target 设置为 10.0 的 Pod target。
在项目或 Pod target 的 General 或 Build Settings 面板中,找到 Deployment Info 或 Deployment Target 部分。
将 iOS Deployment Target 改为至少 11.0。
如果你无法确定是哪个 Pod 有问题,你可能需要查看一下 Podfile 文件,看看是否有全局的 platform 设置,如果有,更新这个设置可能会更简单。例如,你可以在 Podfile 中添加或更新如下行:
platform :ios, '11.0'
然后重新运行 pod install。
请注意,提升 Deployment Target 版本可能会影响你的 app 对旧设备的支持。在提升版本前,确保了解这个改变可能带来的影响。
Xcode Simulator Installation